Seeking home in a strange land
Op 20 juni (World Refugee Day) vraagt de Verenigde Naties jaarlijks aandacht voor de moed, kracht en doorzettingsvermogen van vrouwen, mannen en kinderen die hun land verlaten om vervolging, oorlog en geweld te ontlopen. Zij migreren naar elders waar zij een thuis willen opbouwen en een bijdrage leveren aan de gemeenschap.
Seeking home in a strange land bundelt persoonlijke verhalen over afkomst en aankomst. Hoe migreren, loslaten en thuisraken inwerkt op het persoonlijke leven en het werk.
The book provides a framework for considering the impact of great changes and relating your own experiences to those of others. By linking personal experiences and professional perspectives, it gives insights from sociology, psychology and philosophy.
Seeking Home in a Strange Land offers a valuable contribution to the next stage in the debate on migration, mobility and identity.
Febe Deug, Journal of Social Intervention
The book is an exploration, unlike any before, of the fascinating, often poignant tension between the changing meanings of home and the experience of being the stranger in place and time amidst an era of runaway change. Individuals share their intimate stories of family and struggle, and through those personal narratives come insights about the global phenomena of migration and mobility, as whole populations cross borders and oceans in their desperate search for that safe, comfortable abode that seems just beyond “not yet from here, no longer from there”.
This unique Dutch-American collaboration presents nine essays and three portraits by accomplished authors and scholars who anchor their observations in relevant academic research. They share quests across miles and generations that have led them not only to new places but also to contemplation and humility, religious doubt and spiritual openness, and a sense of nimble relativity in expectations for their personal lives and professional careers. Their stories point toward the essential meaning of identity in ways that help us face the question of who among us is entitled to declare that we are home.
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Radio interview
Sietse Dijkstra en Bea Lalmahomed bij Mart Radio op 24 augustus 2017 (klik op 1e uur vanaf minuut 9).
Sietske Dijkstra, Lia van Doorn, James Clement van Pelt
Sietske Dijkstra, Halleh Ghorashi, Walter Gulick, Bea Lalmahomed, Katie Lee Weille, Mick Matthys, Anita Nanhoe, Jeanine Suurmond en James Clement van Pelt